Monday, November 12, 2012

closet sale, right here right now.

hey all of you!
i'm pleased to announce that i'm having a bit of a closet sale! 
(you know, because it's winter now and because i need to slim down my closet load.)

you can shop it here on threadflip, 
and while i'm at it let me tell you a bit about this threadflip character. 
it's super easy to use, it's like a stylish ebay, and their standard $7 shipping fee
is included into all of the prices shown.

there's plenty more where this stuff came from, 
so maybe maybe not keep your eyes peeled for updates as we go!

shop away dearies!
and while you're at it, please admire my killer product photography skillz.
XO Rosie

1 comment:

allaboutthehendersons said...

Would you be okay with me using your first picture, for a closet sale for our adoption auction? I will definitely credit you for the photo. I just love it! Thanks so much!