Friday, December 24, 2010

Oh-So Merry Christmas to You

Hello Hello! It's Christmas Eve and we are simply ecstatic at our house! I hope you have a very wonderful Christmas holiday and I will see you in the New Year!! (Don't worry, I've made lots of blog improving resolutions...) 
{ anthropologie }

 { j.crew via the little deer }

and here are some happy holiday-ish songs to enjoy on this wonderful Christmas Eve...

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!


crystal said...

Haha! I thought that was you & Noah in the rowboat photo...til I saw the JCrew credit. I was puzzling to myself, "Where in the world WERE they posing for that photo?..." I was buffudled and musing, and then saw the JCrew words and felt very foolish.

But. I am still giggling about it. And also thinking you & Noah look very magazine-worthy.

Love you!

Rosie said...
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Rosie said...

Oh yes, me and Noah were exploring the arctic in our little row boat (Noah insisted on wearing his finest suit, what a silly kid.) when someone snuck up on us and snapped our photo for J. Crew!

Haha, but you're right! It sort of does look like us!

xo- R.